

Journal Series!

Ladies and Gentlemen…. Drumroll please….


Alright, that’s enough yelling.😉 But I can hardly contain my excitement! Ever since I was a little girl I have loved to write. I probably own more journals than I care to admit, but I truly believe that writing has helped me through each and every season that I can count.

As I went to order a new journal for myself, it dawned on me that I could simply create my own. Talk about an “aha” moment. I began creating, but then soon realized that journals carried me through very DIFFERENT seasons of my journey.

So, the Out of the Fire Journal Series was born. There are currently 4 journals available to accompany you on your journey. No matter what you’re facing-grief, hardship, loss, or even positivity- there is a journal for you. I will also have a his/hers deployment journal for military families will be available by Jan. 31st. EEEEK!

So, go ahead a check out the details below.

I hope you enjoy these journals as much as I do! I hope you remember that you never have to walk alone and that there is always someone in your corner.

Happy Writing Friend!

**Let’s keep it real… As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

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